The Gaetz Maneuver
Three old friends
(and I do mean old) were watching cable news, enjoying a tall cold one. A
reporter introduced a film clip from the archives in which a Republican member
of the House spoke on air about his colleague Matt Gaetz. He said Gaetz flashed
photos of his young girlfriends and bragged to his colleagues about crushing ED
medication to a powder, then washing it down with an energy drink, so that he could
“go all night.” This report caught the attention of our three pals.
Chad: Did you hear that? Wow! What do you think of
Matt Gaetz?
Mick: You mean as Attorney General? I don’t know—
Chad: No, I mean what do you think of the Gaetz
Maneuver? Crushing the Viagra, taking it with an energy drink?
Mick: I don’t know, seems kind of risky to me.
Chad: Damn, I’m gonna try it!
Mick: Dude…you’re 85 years old. Think of your heart!
Chad: Hey, Bill, you’ve been awfully quiet. What do
you think?
Bill: About the Gaetz Maneuver? I already gave it a try.
Chad: Oh man, I gotta hear this. What happened?
Bill: Well…there’s bad news.
Mick: Yeah, go on…
Bill: While I was waiting for it to kick in, I dozed
Chad: Ah, bummer.
Bill: But there’s good news…I woke up a few minutes
later and it was working.
Mick: Oh my God!
Bill: But there’s more bad news…by that time, my wife
was sound asleep.
Chad: Ah, shoot. So, what are you gonna do?
Bill: We’re gonna try again, after a good night’s
sleep, first thing in the morning, right after we brush our teeth and put our partial plates in.
Mick: Good luck, buddy. Keep us posted…no pun
Bill: Roger that. You guys wanna watch Hannity or
Anderson Cooper?
Chad: How ’bout another beer?
Mick: The Gaetz Maneuver…gives a whole new meaning to Make America Great Again.
And so it goes, in family rooms across America.