Foster …and other stories is a real treat which provides a range of stories and emotions, all of them told in a sensitive, warm, human way. It’s a great read and I recommend it to everyone who enjoys reading.
Dorman, author of Ezekiel’s Brain, The Oedipus Murders, Murder in Nirvana,
I, Carlos, contributor to The Truth That Can’t Be Told 2, and more.
A fast-paced, engaging,
heart-tweaking novella that captures the essence of what happens when ‘bad
things befall a good kid.’… If you’re looking for everyday heroes, you'll find
them in Foster, and in the bonus selection of short stories that
follow the novella. There is a thread of the quiet hero in every one of C.W.
Spooner's stories – ordinary people doing ordinary things with a degree of
integrity and high-mindedness, qualities that seem to be what we're all longing
for in this particular moment of history.
Kelpin, author of Falling Idols, Lucky the Left-pawed Puppy, Polly
and the Measuring Stick, contributor to The Truth That Can’t Be Told 2, and
A beautiful look at how
we hold onto hope when the world has consistently let us down. Readers will
delight in C.W. Spooner’s gift for showcasing the humanity of his flawed yet
charming characters.
Rendon, author of The Good Bad Lands, All the Ways You’re Important to Me,
contributor to The Truth That Can’t Be Told 2.
Read complete reviews here >